Truncate in tailwinds.

Truncate in tailwinds.

In Tailwind CSS, the truncate utility class can be used to truncate text that overflows its container. Here's how you can use it:

htmlCopy code<div class="truncate">
  This text will be truncated if it overflows its container.

This will truncate the text with an ellipsis (...) by default. You can also customize the truncation symbol by using the truncate-{symbol} variant:

htmlCopy code<div class="truncate truncate-clip">
  This text will be truncated with no symbol if it overflows its container.

<div class="truncate truncate-custom">
  This text will be truncated with a custom symbol if it overflows its container.

In the first example, the truncate-clip variant is used to truncate the text with no symbol. In the second example, a custom symbol is defined using the truncate-custom variant:

cssCopy code.truncate-custom {
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  white-space: nowrap;
  --tw-truncate-text: '***';

Here, the --tw-truncate-text custom property is used to define the truncation symbol. In this case, it's set to ***. You can use any text or icon you like for the truncation symbol.